
Audit Required YES If charitable organizations receive contributions in excess of $100,000, but increases to $175,000 if $75,000 or more comes from one contributor.
Due Date 6 months of Fiscal Year end.
Fee 15.00
Financial Report YES If contributions from Wisconsin amount to more than $5,000 organizations must file either Wisconsin form #308 or IRS Form 990.
Important Note
Annual IRS 990 YES Plus Wisconsin supplement, Form 1952, or may file Wisconsin form #308 instead of IRS Form 990.
Initial Audit YES If charitable organizations receive contributions in excess of $400,000. If contributions are between $200,000 and 400,000, a CPA review is required.
Initial Bylaws YES
Initial Certificate or Articles Of Incorporation YES
Make Checks Payable To Department of Regulation & Licensing
E-Mail Contact info@drl.state.wi.us
Exemption from annual registration upon request NO
Fees 30.00
Fundraiser Contracts NO
Governing Law
Important Note
Contact ; Hearing and Speech impaired: TTY# (608) 267-2416 (608) 266-2112
IRS Determiniation Letter YES (and if determination is still pending, a copy of the IRS tax exemption form #1023).
IRS Form 990 YES May file Wisconsin form #308 instead of IRS Form 990.
Mailing Address Department of Regulation & Licensing, Charitable Organizations, P.O. Box 8935, Madison, WI 53708-8935.
Signature Required YES
Period Covered One year.
Renewal Due Date
Required Signatures Two. The president or an authorized Officer and the Chief Fiscal Officer.
Resident Registered Agent Required NO
Homepage drl.wi.gov/prof/char/def.htm