
Audit Required YES If gross revenue exceeds $300,000
Due Date Within 6 months of Fiscal Year end.
Fee NONE 48,999.99: $100; $49,000--$99,999.99: $150; $100,00-0-$249,999.99: $200; $250,00-0-$499,999.99: $250; $500,000+: $300
Financial Report YES Audited statements required when revenue is more than $100,000.
Important Note
Annual IRS 990 YES If revenue between $25,000 and $100,000. Organizations with more than $100,000 in revenue must submit audited financial statements.
Initial Audit YES If gross revenue over $500,000.
Initial Bylaws YES
Initial Certificate or Articles Of Incorporation YES
Make Checks Payable To Secretary of State
E-Mail Contact
Exemption from annual registration upon request NO
Fees 50.00 Initial. Renewal: 0-48,999.99: $100; $49,000-$99,999.99: $150; $100,000-$249,999.99: $200; $250,000-$499,999.99: $250; $500,000+: $300
Fundraiser Contracts YES
Governing Law
Important Note
Contact (615) 741-2555
IRS Determiniation Letter YES (and if the determination is still pending, a copy of the application OR the IRS letter acknowledging the application's receipt).
IRS Form 990 YES
Mailing Address Div. of Charitable Solicitations, 312 Eighth Ave. North, 8th fl., William Snodgrass Tower, Nashville, TN 37243
Signature Required YES
Period Covered One year.
Renewal Due Date
Required Signatures Two authorized officers of the organization, one of whom must be the Chief Fiscal Officer.
Resident Registered Agent Required NO
Homepage sos.tn.gov/charitable/charitable-organizations-forms