
Audit Required NO
Due Date Within 4 1/2 months of Fiscal Year end.
Financial Report YES
Important Note
Annual IRS 990 YES
Initial Audit NO
Initial Bylaws YES
Initial Certificate or Articles Of Incorporation YES
Make Checks Payable To Oregon Department of Justice
E-Mail Contact
Exemption from annual registration upon request NO
Fees 0.00
Fundraiser Contracts NO
Governing Law
Important Note
Contact (971) 673-1880
IRS Determiniation Letter YES
IRS Form 990 YES
Mailing Address Oregon Dept. of Justice, Charitable Activities, 1515 S.W. 5th Ave. #410, Portland, OR 97201-5446
Signature Required NO
Period Covered Indefinite.
Renewal Due Date
Required Signatures One. An authorized trustee, officer or director.
Resident Registered Agent Required NO
Homepage www.doj.state.or.us/charitable-activities/