
Audit Required YES If the organization received contributions over $500,000 or engaged the services of a professional fundraiser. If contributions are $250,000 to $500,000 a review is required. The Secretary has statutory authority to request audits on a case-by-case basis for registrants between $25,000 and $250,000.
Due Date Anniversary of registration
Fee 50.00
Financial Report YES
Important Note
Annual IRS 990 YES
Initial Audit YES If contributions are more than $500,000 or engaged the services of a professional fund-raiser. If contributions are $250,000 to $500,000, a review is required. The Secretary has statutory authority to request audits on a case-by-case basis for registrants between $25,000 and $250,000. Mailing address: Miss. Sec. of State, Charities Registration, P.O. Box 136, Jackson, MS 39205-0136
Initial Bylaws YES
Initial Certificate or Articles Of Incorporation YES
Make Checks Payable To Mississippi Secretary of State
E-Mail Contact
Exemption from annual registration upon request NO
Fees 50.00
Fundraiser Contracts YES
Governing Law
Important Note
Contact Or (toll free) 888-236-6167, Kathy French (601) 359-1371
IRS Determiniation Letter YES
IRS Form 990 YES
Mailing Address Miss. Sec. of State, Charities Registration, PO Box 136, Jackson, MS 39205-0136
Signature Required YES
Period Covered One year.
Renewal Due Date
Required Signatures Two. President or authorized officer and Chief Financial Officer.
Resident Registered Agent Required YES
Homepage sos.ms.gov/charities/Pages/default.aspx