Audit Required
| YES |
If gross revenue exceeds $2 million (exclusive of grants from, and contracts for services with, governmental entities for which the entity requires an accounting of the funds received). |
Due Date |
Within 4 1/2 months of Fiscal Year end. |
Fee |
25.00 |
For organizations with assets or revenue exceeding $100,000 during Fiscal Year. Such organizations must submit Form RRF-1 due Within 4 1/2 months after the close of the organization's fiscal or calendar accounting period. |
Financial Report |
Important Note |
Annual IRS 990 |
(Note: Due within 4 1/2 months of the close of the organization's fiscal or calendar accounting period. Extensions granted by the IRS will be honored) |
Initial Audit |
If gross revenue exceeds $2 million (exclusive of grants from, and contracts for services with, governmental entities for which the entity requires an accounting of the funds received). |
Initial Bylaws |
Initial Certificate or Articles Of Incorporation |
Make Checks Payable To |
Office of the Attorney General?? |
E-Mail Contact |
Exemption from annual registration upon request |
NO |
Fees |
0.00 |
Fundraiser Contracts |
NO |
Governing Law |
Important Note |
Contact |
(916) 445-2021 |
IRS Determiniation Letter |
IRS Form 990 |
Mailing Address |
Registry of Char. Trusts, Ofc. of Atty. General, P.O. Box 903447, Sacramento, CA 94203-4470 |
Signature Required |
NO |
Period Covered |
One year. |
Renewal Due Date |
Required Signatures |
One. Any authorized officer or director. |
Resident Registered Agent Required |
NO |
Homepage | |